Bunyonyi Safari Ltd

Location: Throughout Uganda

We are an experienced safari operator based in Kampala offering gorillas tracking and walking safaris in the diverse forests of Bwindi and Mgahing. We also organize chimp tracking; primate adventures; forest walks; bird watching tours; mountain trekking and climbing in Rwenzori and Mt Elgon; sport fishing; white water rafting on the River Nile; bungee jumping; cultural activities; bookings and airport shuttle transfers from Entebbe; and golf vacations.

When planning your dream Ugandan vacation or a wild adventure, our experienced travel consultant will offer you both packaged and tailor made holiday packages with quality, value for money and personal service.


  • Gorillas tracking
  • Wildlife Safaris 
  • Trekking safaris in Bwindi and Mgahinga Forests 
  • Chimpanzee tracking
  • Primate adventures
  • Forest walks
  • Bird watching tours
  • Mountain trekking and climbing in Rwenzori and Mt Elgon
  • Sport fishing
  • Uganda team Building
  • White water rafting on the River Nile
  • Bungee jumping
  • Cultural activities
  • Golf vacations


Vehicle amenities:

Air conditioning and are they customized (number of passengers, type of seats etc…)

Available languages:English 

National Parks included in itineraries:

  • Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
  • Murchison Falls National Park
  • Queen Elizabeth National Park
  • Kibale Forest National Park
  • Mgahinga Gorilla National Park
  • Lake Mburo National Park
  • Mount Elgon National Park
  • Mount Rwenzori National Park
  • Semliki National Park


Responsible Travel

  • We are committed to the principles of sustainable tourism, which emphasize the preservation and strengthening of the ecosystem and of the local culture, while simultaneously foresting economic and social development.


Tel: +256-41-4347460/4342482, 256-312-261001/2 
Fax: 256-41-4345605
Email: info@buyonyi.com
Contact us for more information about Pearls of Uganda

Email: info@pearlsofuganda.org